Abandoned Dog

Published on   Dec. 05, 2022

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Your choices create your own story


You are a dog named Poli. After spending years in a shelter, you were family adopted by a family. They treated you so nicely and loved you so much. Well, that’s what they made you believe.

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Hi Poli…


You …


You kept on barking at her. You don’t like Clara because she often delayed your meals and instead threw them out on the streets. On some occasions, she often spanked you with a belt.


One night, John the son of your owner took you for a walk. It was kind of odd because John rarely takes you for a walk and the worst part was that it was very late at night.


You felt a sharp pain around your neck area and immediately slept off. When you woke up, you found yourself in a completely new city and the buildings and landscape were completely strange to you.

Where I’m I?
I’m I dreaming?

Wait a moment, your result is coming soon