Masked Goddesses: From Ugly Duckling To White Swan (Chapter Two)

By  Selina
Published on   Jun. 09, 2022

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Your choices create your own story


After the incident of you almost committing suicide, you finally found something that gives you solace.

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You are in your room looking at Mi Cha’s picture and talking to it.

Hi Mi Cha… It’s been three months since your death. I did a one-month therapy, and it was very exhausting, although I enjoyed it.

I miss you more every day.

Guess what!

I started watching makeup YouTube tutorials, and I am an expert at it. But I can't leave the house without it.

But I love the attention I’m getting. No one is calling me ugly or making fun of me again.

Door knocks…

You quickly turn to the door and see your parents standing there.

We finally got a good school for you.

You know you haven’t been to school since Mi Cha died.

We decided to change your school. The transfer has been approved and you can start tomorrow.

Feeling a bit conflicted, you say:

I don’t want to go to school
Finally! I'm tired of the indoors!

Wait a moment, your result is coming soon