What Do I Do? My Friend Is The Most Handsome, But He Ignores Me

By  Selina
Published on   Aug. 10, 2022

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Your choices create your own story


You are Lisa. Even though you are the most brilliant girl in school, you are mostly taunted by your classmates.

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You have a huge crush on Jason, the most handsome guy in school but he has never looked at you for more than a minute.

You are in the class and your teacher has just given instruction that there will be a drama presentation in school and you all have to pick a paper to know your roles.

The drama presentation is based on the Romeo and Juliet concept.

I have always wanted to act in drama… but I wonder about the role I’ll pick.

Your best friend Nelly sits down close to you.

'What if you pick Juliet?'

You say:

That would be amazing
Hell no!

Wait a moment, your result is coming soon